Friday 30 October 2015

Using Groovy Language in Dell Boomi integration Process to get the IDOC nodes

This topic is related to Boomi integration, the scenario I am now covering is to concatenate the specific XML tags. For instance I have a below IDOC document tags

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

In above IDOC entries, I need to fetch first 10 TDLINE tag and make it to one single string and after first 10, it would discard all the TDLINE. So for this, we need to write the Groovy scripting in Dell Boomi integration process. Please see below process image.

In above figure first it gets the SAP Order IDOC and just before map I used Data Process node, I have written the groovy scripting language which would concatenate the first 10 lines of above order IDOC and and set the result in Property and after that in map it would use that Property to map with Salesforce object. See the below groovy code.
import java.util.Properties;
import org.jdom.input.SAXBuilder;
import org.jdom.Document;
import org.jdom.Element;
import org.jdom.xpath.XPath;
import org.jdom.output.XMLOutputter;
import com.boomi.execution.ExecutionUtil;

for( int i = 0; i < dataContext.getDataCount(); i++ ) {

 InputStream is = dataContext.getStream(i);
 Properties props = dataContext.getProperties(i);
 // Build XML Document
 SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder();
 Document doc =;

 XPath PricingNotes;
 PricingNotes = XPath.newInstance("//IDOC/E1EDKT1[TDID='Z007']/E1EDKT2/TDLINE");

 XPath SalesNotes;
 SalesNotes = XPath.newInstance("//IDOC/E1EDKT1[TDID='Z002']/E1EDKT2/TDLINE");

 MSGFN = PricingNotes.selectNodes(doc);
 PARWN = SalesNotes.selectNodes(doc);

 Integer NotesCount = 0;
 Integer NotesCount2 = 0;
 String TdLine = "";
 String TdLine2 = "";
 result = new StringBuffer();
 result2 = new StringBuffer();

                for(int ak=0;ak<MSGFN.size();ak++){
            if(NotesCount < 10){
                NotesCount = NotesCount +1;
                for(int ab=0;ab<PARWN.size();ab++){
           if(NotesCount2 < 10){
                NotesCount2 = NotesCount2 +1;
                                TdLine = result.toString();
                TdLine2 = result2.toString(); 
 // Create an XPath statement to search for the element or elements you care about:

                  ExecutionUtil.setDynamicProcessProperty("SalesOrderNotes", TdLine , true);
                  ExecutionUtil.setDynamicProcessProperty("PricingNotes", TdLine2 , true);

     XMLOutputter outputter = new XMLOutputter();
     is = new ByteArrayInputStream(outputter.outputString(doc).getBytes("UTF-8"));

     dataContext.storeStream(is, props);

If you see the above yellow highlighted code, it is fetching  only those nodes which are under E1EDKT1 main tag and surely this tag exists multiple time in IDOC, so to capture only those E1EDKT1 node which has a qualifier of [TDID='Z007'] and after that it would to the child node E1EDKT2 and in that child node the TDLINE tag exists. So we used XPATH to fetch the XML node and similar logic used in second yellow highlighted line but this time Qualifier is change. After that the green highlighted code shows that it select the specific XPATH criteria node. After that, gray highlighted code set the TDLINE text into the groovy PROPERTY which are “SalesOrderNotes” and “PricingNotes”.

Now it’s about to turn for MAP node. In Map, you would use the Get Dynamic Process property and get the property that we have set in groovy code.

 You can than map this property to any of the Salesforce object field.

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